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Broadened remit for the independent review board

On 16th December 2021, the Storting’s Presidium made the decision to broaden the terms of reference of the independent review board which was set up earlier this autumn. Its scope will now include a review of all the financial schemes and arrangements available to MPs.

An independent board was appointed by the Storting’s Presidium on 18th November 2021. The object was to review the rules and regulations for MPs’ commuter accommodation.

The appointment of the review board was prompted by the cases that have come to light recently relating to the financial arrangements for MPs. Initially, the review board’s remit was limited to how the commuter accommodation scheme was being practised. Since then, however, questions have been raised about some of the other arrangements for MPs.

Because of this, the Presidium, in consultation with the parties’ parliamentary leaders, has determined to broaden the scope of the independent review to include all the arrangements for MPs.

The Presidium has now given the review board new, extended terms of reference, and has renamed it The Members’ Arrangements Review Board (representantordningutvalget). The review is already underway.

It is important that the review board be given the opportunity to do a thorough job. There are therefore two different deadlines in place. The first of these, 2nd May 2022, relates to a sub-report with recommendations on overriding principles for the different financial arrangements. The deadline for the more comprehensive final report is 31st January 2023.

Sist oppdatert: 20.12.2021 12:27