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President of the Storting Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen. Photo: Storting.

President of the Storting Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen. Photo: Storting.

International day in the Storting

Foreign policy will be the centre of attention in the Storting on Thursday 22nd April. Among the items on the agenda will be a debate on the Government’s foreign policy statement, a presentation of the interparliamentary delegations’ annual report, and a digital reception for the diplomatic corps.

The Government’s foreign policy statement

Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide made her annual foreign policy statement in the Storting on Monday 19th April. This report highlights the most important features and issues in Norwegian foreign policy over the past year. The debate on the Foreign Minister’s statement takes place in the Storting Chamber today, Thursday 22nd April.

“The annual foreign policy statement and subsequent parliamentary debate give the Storting the opportunity to discuss the most topical matters and broader trends in Norwegian foreign and security policy. This is very important for the democratic legitimacy of our foreign policy,” says Anniken Huitfeldt, chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence.

Interparliamentary cooperation

The foreign policy statement is timed to coincide with the publication of the interparliamentary delegations’ annual reports. The Storting sends permanent delegations to ten different international parliamentary assemblies.

“By taking part in these parliamentary assemblies, MPs contribute to strengthening ties with parliaments in other countries and foster cross-border dialogue and collaboration,” says President of the Storting Tone Wilhelmsen Trøen.

Human rights, democracy, defence collaboration, international trade, the climate and Nordic cooperation are among the key issues considered by the different delegations.

Reception for the diplomatic corps

The annual reception for the diplomatic corps takes place on the afternoon of 22nd April. This year’s reception will be a digital affair. Both the President of the Storting and the chair of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee will speak to the ambassadors.

“The reception is an important forum. Among other things, I’ll be taking the opportunity to promote the significance of trust and solidarity in international relations during what is currently an exceptionally demanding situation in many countries,” added Ms. Trøen.


Sist oppdatert: 22.04.2021 13:05