Peter Skovholt Gitmark (H): Norge har bidratt i arbeidet med den nye petroleumsloven i Uganda. Det er et viktig arbeid blant annet for å begrense korrupsjon, ivareta miljøet, arbeidstakerrettigheter og god forvaltningsskikk. Lovforslaget skal snart debatteres i parlamentet. Det er reist en rekke spørsmål knyttet til det endelige dokumentet.
Hva mener statsråden at Norge kan gjøre for å adressere spørsmålene under?
1. strong executive control and discretion over the sector (through the Minister), for example, in the selection of companies and content of contracts;
2. a lack of oversight mechanisms including a role for parliament, (MPs are currently cut out of all major decisions).
3. a failure to guarantee transparency of contracts and key project documents, (which has already been a significant cause for concern amongst MPs and CSOs in Uganda)
4. weak environmental and social protection and no consultation process for effected communities.