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Vedlegg: Viktig faglitteratur om emnet:

Ahrons, Constance. 1995. Den gode skilsmisse. Oslo: Tiden (Orakel-serien). (originaltittel: The Good Divorce. Keeping your family together when your marriage comes apart. 1994).

Andenæs, A. And H. Haavind. 1993. When Parents are Living Apart. Challenges and Solutions for Children with Two Homes. I: (A.Leira, ed.) Family Sociology - Developing the Field. Report 93:5, pp. 170-205. Oslo: Institute for Social Research.

Bender, W.N. 1994. Joint custody: The option of choice. J. Of Divorce & Remarriage 21 (3/4): 115-131. (review-arikkel).

Berger, T., Haynes, J.M. og G. Undersrud. 1994. Fra fiendskap til foreldreskap. Håndbok for familiemeklere. Oslo: Tano.

Blau, Melinda. 1993. Families Apart. Ten Keys to Successful Co-Parenting. New York: G.P. Putnam"s Sons.

Cohen, Mirian (Galper). 1991. The Joint Custody Handbook - Creating Arrangements That Work. Philadelphia: Running Press.

Folberg, Jay (ed.). 1991. Joint Custody and Shared Parenting. New York: Guilford Press. (se også referansene for de enkelte kapitlene).

Garrity, Carla B. And Baris, Mitchell A. 1994. Caught in the Middle, Protecting the Children of High-Conflict Divorce. New York: Lexington Books.

Haaland, Kirsti Ramfjord. 1988. Familien etter skilsmissen. Erfaringer med delt omsorg. Oslo: Cappelen.

Kelly, J.B. 1988. Longer-term adjustment in children of divorce: Converging findings and implications for practice. J. Of Family Psychology 2(2): 119-140. .

Kelly, Joan B. 1993. Current research on children"s postdivorce adjustment. No simple answers. Family and Conciliation Courts Review 31(1): 29-49.

Kline, Kris & Stephen Pew. 1992. For the Sake of the Children - How to Share Your Children With Your Ex-Spouse In Spite of Your Anger. Rocklin, California: Prima Publishing.

Levy, David L. (ed.) 1993. The best parent is both parents: A guide to shared parenting in the 21st century. Norfolk, Va.: Hampton Roads Publ. Co.

Nissen, Morten. 1994. Delebørn - En salomonisk løsning. København: Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck.

Ricci, Isola. 1981. Mom"s House - Dad"s House. New York/London: Collier Macmillian.

Roam, Mel and W. Haddad. 1978. The Disponsable Parent: The Case for Joint Custody. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Smith, L. 1984. Joint custody in Norwegian law and practice. I: (Inger Koch-Nielsen, ed.) Parent-Child Relationship post-divorce, a seminar-report, pp. 241-251.

København: Socialforskningsinstituttet. (Kommenterer kun felles foreldreansvar, men refererer positivt til Folbergs oppfatning av lovens normative rolle).

Vikan, Arne og Clas Jostein Claussen. 1994. Barns oppfatninger. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Ware, Ciji. 1982. Sharing parenthood after divorce. An enlightened custody guide for mothers, fathers, and kids. New York: Viking.

Washak, Richard A. 1992. The Custody Revolution: The Father Factor and the Motherhood Mystique. New York: Poseidon Press.

Öberg, Bente & Gunnar Öberg. 1991. Skiljas, men inte från barnen. (Den delade familjen) Stockholm (?): Natur och Kultur.

Öberg, Bente og Gunnar Öberg. 1992. Pappa, se mig! Om förnekade barn och maktlösa fäder. Stockholm: Förnekade barn och maktlösa fäder. Stockholm: Förlagshuset Gothia.

Nygaard Christoffersen, Mogens: En sammenligning af 3-5-årige børns opvækst hos fædre og mødre. Socialforskningsinstituttet 96:23. Danmark.