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Vedlegg 3. Brev fra den amerikanske utenriksministeren Madeleine K Albrigth til utenriksminister Knut Vollebæk, datert 27. mai 1998.

Dear Knut:

       Thank you for your letter of May 20.

       As you rightly indicate, the United States shares with the signers of the Ottawa Convention the humanitarian goal of ending the pain and suffering caused by antipersonnel landmines. We will continue to work on many fronts to reach this goal. In so doing, we must not undermine our ability to fulfill our security obligations, including those to Norway, or increase the risk to our military personnel as they perform their duties around the world.

       Your letter makes clear that we have come a long way toward finding solutions to issues concerning prepositioned U.S. landmines in Norway, particularly for the four-year period following entry into force for Norway of the Convention. We agree with your summation of our common understandings.

       Much work remains to be done, however; and I wholeheartedly echo your commitment to continue to consult in order to seek permanent and mutually acceptable solutions to the outstanding issues at the earliest possible date. Our progress thus far owes much to the cooperative attitude of your government in seeking to resolve issues raised by Norway's intent to ratify the Ottawa Convention.

       The combination of our shared humanitarian and security goals and our excellent bilateral relationship will result in mutually acceptable solutions to all issues.