the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals, to
14. consistently implement
the amended Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements
of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal signed by 187 states, considering
its amendment and decisions on plastic wastes, adopted on 10 May 2019
by the Fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste
and their Disposal as important contributions to combating of the
pollution of the seas by plastic waste in accordance with the resolutions
of the BSPC;
15. support the further
development of a legally-binding, globally-reaching mechanism for
managing plastic waste towards the consistent combating of the pollution
of the seas by plastic waste in accordance with the resolutions
of the BSPC;
16. promote, through
appropriate measures, the accelerated digitalisation of vessel traffic
and green shipping to achieve the 2030 objectives as soon as possible;
17. support the plastic
waste partnership established by the Fourteenth meeting of the Conference
of the Parties to the Basel Convention to mobilize the resources,
interests and expertise of business, government, academic and civil
society to assist in the implementation of new measures to reduce
the generation of these wastes, including microplastics, providing
a range of practical support, including tools, best practices, technical
and financial assistance;
18. organise concerted
action for appropriate regulation at the global level to strengthen
enavigation and pave the way for autonomous shipping;
19. use the ongoing
changes and processes on ecologically and biologically significant
areas and maritime spatial planning systematically as a sufficient and
necessary tool to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal 14 on
protecting and restoring ecosystems of the UN 2030 goals and intensify
all continuing efforts in meeting the SDG 14 targets;
20. jointly develop
far-reaching measures and proposals for the UN Conference on oceans
2020 and try to further evolve these together at the UN level and
achieve more decisive action at the international level to ensure
political support for these measures in the field of improving the
state of the oceans and its recovery;
21. support in-depth
marine research and innovation in the conservation and sustainable
use of marine biological diversity;
22. ensure that the
provisions of the UN Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment
in a Transboundary Context (1991) (Espoo Convention) are complied
with in the implementation of projects with transboundary impacts
in the Baltic Sea area;
23. ensure that large
scale projects that affect the coastlines and coastal areas and
that have a major impact on ecosystems in the Baltic Sea region
have to comply with the obligations arising from relevant international
treaties and conventions, including the Espoo Convention and the
Helsinki Convention;
24. with regard to the
detection of unexploded ordnance and buried/deposited ammunition
present in the Baltic Sea, and with reference to current HELCOM
activities, work together and develop a cross-border, sustainable
strategy for dealing with this, call on the CBSS to explore the
possibility to create a financing tool, i.e. to monitor, contain/secure,
salvage or destroy, as the unexploded ordnance in the Baltic Sea
may constitute a danger to humans and the environment, especially
with regard to shipping routes and coastal waters used by tourists; based
on such monitoring results a commission of experts has to evaluate
and analyse the risks outgoing from the buried/deposited ammunition
annually and issue recommendations for action;