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Vedlegg 4

We, the participants of the Third International Forum for young politicians of the North-West of Russia and Nordic countriesYoung politicians and representatives of the Republic of Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Leningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod and Pskov regions, the Nenets Autonomous District, Saint-Petersburg, members of the Parliamentary Association of the North-West of Russia, NGO “National Assembly of Young Deputies”, members of the Nordic Council, the Nordic Youth Council, members of Parliaments of Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, politicians and representatives of Oulu Region (Finland), Counties of Troms and Finnmark (Norway)., met in Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation, on the 22nd of March, 2011, in order to discuss issues of co-operation, education and employment of young people in the North-West of Russia and in Nordic countries,

referring to the resolutions of the First and the Second International Forums for young politicians of the North-West of Russia and Nordic countries, which were held in Murmansk (Russian Federation) on the 27th of March, 2009 and in Kirkenes (Norway) on the 23rd of March, 2010,

acknowledging and respecting international standards in the sphere of youth politics,

focusing on the young generation’s continuity in the development of the international education,

being aware of the reasonability of advancing fundamental principles and mutual interests in the sphere of building-up principally new youth generation,

and we appeal to the representatives of Russia and Nordic countries to draw the attention to the resolution of problems of the international youth cooperation in spheres of youth employment and education.

draw the attention to the importance of ensuring the possibility for young people to communicate, cooperate and share experience and to the requirement of contributing to the implementation of different programmes and projects, with the participation of students, young scientists, journalists, ecologists, creative young people, young entrepreneurs, politically active young people, along with young people from risk-groups in regions of the North-West of Russia and Nordic countries;

underline the existing need of accomplishing visa-free regime for the elimination of obstacles, which complicate the further development of cooperation between our countries and regions;

request parliamentarians of Russia and Nordic countries to include into the agenda of mutual cooperation queries concerning the youth politics, cooperation and measures required for increasing the youth mobility.

underline the necessity of making improvements in the sphere of organising effective youth politics, connected to the development of the labour-market and to the improvement of modern educational standards;

consider solving existing problems possible by means of:

  • conducting the monitoring of the youth labour-market;

  • creating the unified database of youth projects;

  • contributing to the unification of scientific and educational organisations of the North-West of Russia and Nordic countries into one telecommunicational network;

  • creating the unified legal framework for the purpose of the international youth cooperation;

  • assigning grants for pioneering and developing scientific research projects.

Realizing and supporting the common aspiration for creating max. convenient conditions in a sphere of effective youth employment and improving the system of professional training and retraining of young specialists; we are convinced in existing necessity to improve the operation of employment service and the system of its governmental financing.

We recognize that the North-West of Russia and the Nordic countries have common challenges integrating young specialists to the labour market. We recommend public authorities, universities and business-communities to facilitate progress in order to provide young specialists with job and/ or job training.

We emphasize the importance of creating conditions for young entrepreneurs in order to develop business ideas.

We underline the importance of professional unions in securing youth rights and the necessity of activating governmental politics aimed at suppoting of trade unions and increasing their role in the youth politics.

Considering the importance of such events as the International Forum for young politicians of the North-West of Russia and Nordic countries, underline the reasonability of its further organisation and welcome with gratitude the invitation of the Swedish Parliament to host the Fourth International Forum for young politicians of the North-West of Russia and Nordic countries in 2012.

We would request from the Chairperson to transfer this resolution to the «round table» session between Nordic and Russian politics in Murmansk in April 27 – 30, 2011, and also to other appropriate international meetings and forums.