Arne Sortevik (FrP): Nye undersøkelser viser stor uenighet blant fagfolk vedrørende påstanden om at menneskeskapt CO2 påvirker klima. Nye målinger av temperatur "show substantially less recent warming than is claimed by global warming alarmists". Begge forholdene er nærmere omtalt i begrunnelsen for spørsmålet. Klimapolitikk og klimatiltak kan ha store konsekvenser for utvikling og levestandard i Norge.
Hvordan følger regjering, MD og statsråd med i kunnskapsutviklingen som bør være basis for norsk klimapolitikk?
Eks 1;
Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a newly published survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. The survey throws cold water on assertions by global warming alarmists that nearly all scientists agree humans are causing a global warming crisis.
Nearly two-thirds of the 1,077 survey respondents said nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.
Eks 2;
Global temperatures are warming much more slowly than claimed by British and U.S. government agencies that produce temperature data reports, according to data compiled by the Japanese Meteorological Agency.
According to meteorologist Anthony Watts, Japan is reporting that global temperatures during the past decade are approximately 0.25 degrees Celsius cooler than reported by the U.K. Met Office, the NASA Goddard Institute, and the NOAA National Climatic Data Center. The 0.25 degree difference is staggering considering the Earth warmed merely 0.6 degrees Celsius during the entirety of the twentieth century.
Japanese scientists appear to be giving more weight to real-world temperature data than the U.K. and U.S. government agencies do, Watts reports. NASA, NOAA, and the Met Office make several adjustments to real-world temperature data that have the effect of inflating recent temperature readings and reducing the temperatures that were reported several decades ago. By contrast, the Japanese scientists give more weight to real-world data than to government agency adjustments that always seem to add more warming than appears in the raw temperature data.
The Japanese data add weight to global temperature readings compiled by NASA satellite instruments. NASA satellite instruments show substantially less recent warming than is claimed by global warming alarmists and government agencies that adjust the real-world temperature readings. Because the NASA satellite instruments uniformly measure global temperatures, the temperature readings do not require any adjustments to weed out asserted temperature anomalies.