Regulations for Photography and Filming in the Storting
Adopted by the Presidium of the Storting on 19th June 2014, last amended 18th February 2021.
1. Scope and definitions
2. General prohibitions
3. Visitors
4. The media
5. Specific rules concerning photography by MPs in the Storting Chamber
6. Photography in the Storting Chamber for representation or communications purposes
7. Transmission of the Storting’s Web TV
1. Scope and definitions
These regulations apply to all forms of photography in the Storting buildings, and within the fences and other closed-off areas connected to the Storting buildings.
In this context, the term “photography” relates to all forms of photography, filming and sound recording.
2. General prohibitions
As a general rule, photography in the Storting’s receptions, cafeterias and restaurants is prohibited.
Photography of the Storting’s security installations and operations is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the Storting’s Secretary General. Caution should also be exercised regarding other photography in which the Storting’s security installations and operations may be intentionally or unintentionally displayed. In such cases, the instructions given by the Storting must be strictly observed.
Photography of the Storting’s buildings for film, advertising or entertainment purposes is prohibited. Exceptions may be made in specific cases after application to the Media & Public Relations Section:
Photography in the Storting Chamber when sittings are not in progress is permitted for news purposes or by agreement with the Media & Public Relations Section only. In this context, the term “for news purposes” relates to journalistic content which is part of the ongoing news and current affairs coverage of the business in the Storting by the editor-controlled media. Interviews shall be conducted outside the Storting Chamber. For all other forms of photography in the Storting Chamber, applications must be sent to the Media & Public Relations Section.
3. Visitors
Photography by visitors to the Storting is permitted for private purposes in accordance with Section 4 of the Storting’s Security and Access Regulations, with the restrictions that follow from Section 2 above.
To the extent possible, sections 4.2 to 4.4 also apply for such photography.
4. The media
4.1 General
The media may photograph in the areas of the Storting’s buildings that they have the right to access, as permitted in the Rules for Press Access to the Storting.
4.2 Photography during sittings in the Storting Chamber
Photography in the Storting Chamber during sittings must be in accordance with the following guidelines:
- Photography must not disrupt the running of the sittings.
- The use of flash photography or other artificial light is prohibited.
- Once a sitting is underway, photography may take place from specific positions in the rotunda if the photographer in question is accompanied by a member of the Storting’s administration. Only one photographer, and for a limited period only, is permitted in the rotunda at any one time.
- Photography from the area directly in front of the President’s podium is prohibited.
- Photography from the Diplomats’ Box is prohibited.
- A limited number of photographers may photograph from the back bench of the Press Box on the condition that this does not disrupt the running of the sittings.
- A limited number of photographers may photograph from the back bench of the public gallery.
- In the event of lack of space in the public gallery during debates or other specific occasions, including the State Opening of the Storting, arrangements will be made for photography to take place from specifically designated positions. Members of the press other than those of the Parliamentary Press Club may use the Press Box.
- In the interests of security, camera equipment must not protrude beyond the rails.
4.3 Photography during hearings in the Storting
To the extent possible, the guidelines in section 4.2 of these regulations also apply for hearings that are arranged in the Storting.
4.4 Photography in other areas of the Storting’s buildings
It is the responsibility of the MPs and the members of the parliamentary party groups to determine the photography rules for the premises that are at their own disposal.
Photography in other areas of the Storting’s buildings must take place in accordance with the Storting’s Security and Access Regulations. Photography in meeting rooms and offices must be specifically agreed on.
4.5 Special occasions
On special occasions, including the State Opening of the Storting, arrangements will be made for photography to take place from specifically designated positions. Further details will be given to the media in advance of such occasions. In such cases, the media must follow the instructions about where to stand which are given to them by members of the Storting’s administration.
4.6 Specific rules about the use of recording equipment, lighting and larger productions
The use of recording equipment must not impede regular passage around the Storting’s buildings, or be a nuisance to normal business in the Storting. Any technical assistance required must be agreed on in advance.
Camera lighting must be as limited as possible.
Larger productions must be agreed on in advance. As a general rule, productions in the Central Hall must take place outside the hours when there are sittings in the Chamber. Details of the rigging and a list of names of the crew must be sent to the Media & Public Relations Section in advance.
4.7 Television transmissions from the Central Hall
The wireless network in the Central Hall may be used for television transmissions. Contact the Media & Public Relations Section in the event that high quality transmission is required.
5. Specific rules concerning photography by MPs in the Storting Chamber
Photography in the Storting Chamber which has the character of campaigns, stunts or gimmick-like behaviour is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, for example, effects and visual devices such as posters, etc. or provocative behaviour and language use in general. This also applies to the media’s photography of MPs in the Storting Chamber for news purposes, cf. section 2 above.
Photography by MPs from their seats during sittings is accepted. As a general rule, such photography must take place before or after a sitting in the Storting.
When sittings are not in progress, the Storting Chamber shall not be used as a backdrop to support party political issues or messages, or for the promotion of candidates in connection with elections and the like. Other than this, MPs may take photographs in the Storting Chamber when sittings are not in progress.
6. Photography in the Storting Chamber for representation or communications purposes
These regulations do not in any way restrict photography in the Storting Chamber as part of the representation of the Storting as an institution, or for communications purposes on behalf of the institution.
7. Transmission of the Storting’s Web TV
The media and other websites with Web TV may, on request, relay transmissions from the Storting’s sittings and hearings.
Contact details
Media & Public Relations Section
Press officer for the Presidium, Secretary General of the Storting and other members of the senior management team:
Tel: (+ 47) 920 10 681 (Please call, do not send text messages)
The press office is serviced from 07.30 – 18.00 on workdays.
Sist oppdatert: 14.03.2024 09:47