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Memorial Assembly in the Storting, Monday 1 August 2011 at 12:00 in the wake of the terrorist acts in Oslo and on Utøya on 22 July 2011

Press release.

At the Memorial assembly the President of the Storting, Dag Terje Andersen, will give an address in memory of the victims of the terrorist acts on 22 July. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg will also speak, and there will be a musical performance by violinist Arve Tellefsen.

His Majesty The King, H.R.H. The Crown Prince, Members of the Storting and Members of the Cabinet will be present during the Memorial assembly. The Memorial assembly is open to the public. Due to the limited places available, next of kin and relatives of the victims will be given priority.

Press admittance

The Memorial Reception begins at 12:00 and interested members of the press must be present by 11:30.

Members of the Storting’s Press Corps will be able to use the press gallery upon presentation of their  admission card.

Other non-local press will get access upon showing a valid press card and will be seated in the gallery for non-local press. The number of seats in the galleries is limited.

There will also be reserved space for the press on the left side of the courtyard in front of the main entrance on Løvebakken. The press from abroad will be asked to take place there.

Consult adgangsreglement for Stortinget (in Norwegian) for supplementary regulations as regards press admittance and photography/TV.

TV broadcast

NRK will produce the televised broadcast from the Memorial assembly. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) will provide live transmission of the Memorial assembly. Media which are not member of the EBU are kindly asked to contact EBU Geneva on telephone +41 22 717 28 29 , +41 22 717 28 50 or e-mail: evn@eurovision.net


The Memorial assembly will be transmitted live on the Storting’s Web-TV.
Media can transmit the Memorial assembly on their own Web-TV via a publication point. This must be reserved in advance.
Follow this link for more information on forwarding of the Storting’s Web-TV (in Norwegian).


Photos can be purchased from Scanpix after the Memorial assembly, www.scanpix.no, telephone 22 00 32 00. The  Storting’s own pictures will be published on stortinget.no and may be used without any restrictions.

Summary and speeches

A temporary version of the summary of the Memorial assembly will be published on stortinget.no on Monday. The  speech of President of the Storting, Dag Terje Andersen, will also be provided in English. The final summary  will be available on Tuesday 2 August.

Press contact

Questions from the press regarding the Memorial assembly will be answered by:
Dag Nordbotten Kristoffersen, telephone 23 31 30 09, mob 41 33 91 11, e-mail dnk@stortinget.no
Anita Blomberg, telephone 23 31 35 44, mob 47 04 07 05, e-mail abl@stortinget.no

Sist oppdatert: 29.07.2011 14:40