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The Storting's Administration.

The Storting’s administration is organized into seven departments and 34 sections. The Secretary General of the Storting is the head of the administration and is also the secretary to the Storting's Presidium. The total number of staff employed in the Storting’s administration is approximately 500.

E-mail: postmottak@stortinget.no

Telephone switchboard: +47 23 31 30 50

As a general rule, enquiries to the Storting are public. This means that they are recorded in the Storting’s postal journal, and that they may be subject to public access.

Please do not send sensitive personal information by email.

Full organization chart

Secretary General of the Storting
Executive Office
Security and Preparedness Department
International Department
IT Department
Communications Department
Constitutional Department
Property and General Services Department
Administrative Affairs Department

Secretary General of the Storting

The Secretary General heads the Storting’s administration. He also acts as secretary to the Storting's Presidium.

Secretary General: Mr Kyrre Grimstad
+47 23 31 35 59

Executive Office

The Executive Office is responsible for secretarial, clerical, and administrative responsibilities and assistance to the members of the Presidium in their duties. Reception services and dealing with press enquiries to the Presidium and the Secretary General.

Head of Office: Mr Bjørn Arne Steine
+47 99 04 01 45


Security and Preparedness Department

The department’s primary remit is the Storting’s security and preparedness. Included here is operational responsibility for security in the Storting's buildings.

Head of Department: Mr Helge Rager Furuseth

Planning and Readiness Section

Contingency planning; crisis organization; overarching situational awareness; competency development plan for security and readiness.

Head of Section: Ms Tove Heidi Silseth
+47 41 51 19 86

Security Resources Section

Staffing plans; equipment; budgeting; procurement.

Head of Section (acting): Mr Rune Nikolaisen

Security Management Section

Governing documents on security; compliance control; deviation management; advisory services.

Head of Section: Mr Rune Mortensen

Security Services Section

Operational security; access passes; contact with the emergency services.

Head of Section: Mr Pål Munck
+47 99 10 65 11


International Department

The International Department supports the Storting in all its international activities, including the international work of the Presidium, international parliamentary delegations and relevant standing committees. The support extends to activities of individual MPs representing the Storting at international meetings and events. It includes practical assistance as well as expert advice on policy and political developments internationally.

The Department serves as secretariat to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, to the Enlarged Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, and to the European Consultative Committee. The secretariat function for the European Consultative Committee includes an interdepartmental policy research group providing members with analysis on policy developments in the EU and the EEA.

The Department also provides secretariat functions for parliamentary delegations to and from other countries and permanent delegations to inter-parliamentary assemblies and organizations. The number of permanent delegations, currently ten in total, comprises Arctic Cooperation; the European Parliament; EFTA/EEA; the IPU; NATO; the Nordic Council; the OSCE; the Council of Europe; the Inter-parliamentary Conference on the EU’s Common Foreign, Security and Defence Policy; and the Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership (ASEP).

Head of Department: Ms Vibeke Rysst-Jensen

Mr Einar Ekern

Mr Christian Gahre


Travel Office

The Storting’s in-house travel agent. Ticket and hotel reservations.

Contact: Ms Christine Hannestad


IT Department

The IT Department is responsible for IT training and user support (tel. 23 31 37 20). It also operates, maintains and updates the Storting’s computer-based information systems and telematics solutions.

Head of Department: Mr Bjarne Østby

IT User Services

User support and instruction in the Storting’s IT solutions.

Head of Section: Ms Christine Brix Andersen


IT Operations

Operation of the Storting’s data systems and infrastructure. Telephony, sound and video. Office machines and supplies: purchases, assistance, service.

Head of Section: Mr Andreas Dalsegg

IT Strategy and Innovation

Responsible for ensuring a comprehensive approach to future developments within IT, with specific reference to IT architecture, choice of technology and the framework for IT and information security.

Head of Section: Mr Frode Rein

IT Development

Administration and development of the Storting’s IT systems.

Head of Section: Mr Thomas Werenskiold

IT Corporate Support

Responsible for ensuring professional process and project management of IT activities and projects.

Head of Section: Mr Jon-Mikael Kuhlman Arvola

Communications Department

The Communications Department is responsible for external and in-house communication and guided tours and events.

Head of Department: Ms Mona Mortensen Krane
+47 98 44 97 96

Web and In-house Communication Section

Editorial responsibility for www.stortinget.no, the intranet and other in-house communication channels.

For enquiries about www.stortinget.no and the intranet, please contact tel. 23 31 33 33 or web@stortinget.no.

Head of Section: Ms Solveig Rødland

Web Editor: Mr Lars Henie Barstad

Media and Public Relations Section

Media relations and guidance. Analysis of the media situation. Communications and public relations initiatives.

Head of Section: Ms Jorunn Nilsen


Visitor and Educational Services Section

Responsible for visits and guided tours. Administers and runs "Demo" and "The Choice is Yours", the Storting’s educational and activity centres. Click here for overview of guided tours.

Arranges parliamentary education courses (for teachers, information officers, etc.) and disseminates information about the Storting at public events.

Head of Section (acting): Ms Janne Jønsson


Graphic Services Section

Graphic design, printing and copying services. Preliminary minutes.

Head of Section: Mr Lars Melgård


Storting Library

In-house specialist library with collections in the fields of social studies, politics, political history and law. Books, reports, periodicals, newspapers. Search in external databases.

Parliamentary Librarian: Ms Åse Garten Galtrud

Checkouts, enquiries, assistance:
+ 47 23 31 36 90

Constitutional Department

The Constitutional Department deals with all functions associated with the activities of the Storting as a constitutional body. This encompasses parliamentary procedures and working plans, the Rules of Procedure and the appropriations regulations, committee travel and formal inquiries that relate to the activities of the committees.

Head of Department: Mr Njål Høstmælingen

Tabling Office

Manages the Storting’s working programme. Registers matters from the Council of State and parliamentary documents. Receipt of questions and interpellations for Question Time and questions for written reply. Prepares and issues agendas and weekly schedules.

Head of Section: Ms Vivi Gjøvik

+47 23 31 35 60

Standing Committees Secretariat

This section comprises the Standing Committees Secretariat and the Standing Committees Archives.

The Standing Committees Secretariat arranges and coordinates committee hearings, organizes committee trips, provides the press and general public with information, and gives practical assistance relating to the day-to-day business of the committees.

The Standing Committees Archives keeps a record of the committees’ correspondence and sees to it that documents are easy to access and retrieve electronically. It is also responsible for preparing the committees’ archives for delivery to the Archives of the Storting.

Head of Section (acting): Ms Kjersti Benum


Committee Secretaries

The committee secretaries plan and organize the work of the standing committees. They provide practical and expert assistance.

Head of Section: Ms Marit Halleraker


Legal Services Office

Questions relating to the Storting’s Rules of Procedure and the Norwegian Constitution. The relationship between the Storting and the government. Expert legal services to the standing committees on draft legislation and other legal matters. Preparation of items for consideration by the Storting’s Presidium. The Register of Members’ Interests and the Ethical Guidelines for Members of the Storting. General legal questions relating to the activities of the Storting.

Head of Section: Ms Malin Nossum


Chamber Secretariat

Secretariat for the Storting’s constitutional and parliamentary activities. Manages day-to-day operations in the Storting Chamber. Responsible for the weekly and long-term programmes for the Storting. Leaves of absence and the summoning of Substitute Members of the Storting. Preparation and printing of committee recommendations.

Head of Section: Mr Jarle Skjørestad


Word Processing Centre

Among the Word Processing Centre’s primary responsibilities is the production of committee recommendations. In the process, the Word Processing Centre corrects typographical errors and makes the technical adjustments necessary for the printing process after the recommendation has been submitted. It also ensures that the documents are easily searchable online.

Head of Section: Ms Siv Ragnhild Gram


Official Reporters’ Section

The official report (editing, textual processing, verification) of the sittings of the Storting, the Enlarged Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, the Nordic Council and public hearings. Editorial responsibility for Stortingstidende (the official report of the proceedings of the Storting).

Head of Section: Ms Mette Solberg Ohlgren


Research Services Section

Expert assistance to MPs, standing committees, parliamentary party secretariats. Collecting, mediating and processing factual background material. Background memos.

Head of Section: Mr Henning Jakobsen


Property and General Services Department

The Property and General Services Department is responsible for the management and development of the Storting’s property and service functions.

Head of Department: Mr Terje Olsen


Housekeeping Services Section

Head of Section: Ms Inger Moløkken


Cleaning services. Flowers and decorations.

Catering Services Section

Responsible for the running of the Storting restaurant and the Committee Building canteen. Catering and waiting services for meetings and other events.

Head of Section: Ms Sissel Kværnes

Property Management and Development Section

Manages and develops the Storting’s property, which comprises owned and rented premises, commuter accommodation and outdoor areas.

Head of Section (acting): Ms Anne Sofie Galåen Bentzen


Property Operations Section

Responsible for the running and maintenance of the Storting’s buildings and adjoining areas. Runs and maintains the technical installations.

Head of Section (acting): Mr Bjørn Erik Rustad


In-house Services Section

Responsible for in-house meeting room services and the Storting’s Service Centre (gift items and articles), postal services, the Service Office, practical arrangements for the standing committees’ public hearings and telephone services.

Head of Section: Kjetil Fløyli


Administrative Affairs Department

The Administrative Affairs Department assists the Storting’s administrative management in all matters relating to employer obligations, human resources administration, finance and governance, and general administration. It also provides various services directly to the Members of the Storting in respect of salaries, allowances, trips, housing, pensions, insurance, working conditions and benefits.

Head of Department: Erik Guldhav

Human Resources Section

Responsible for personnel and payroll administration for members of staff in the Storting’s administration. Provides support and assistance for the management team within the fields of labour legislation, recruitment, payroll and staffing strategy, and adjustment processes. Responsible for the disbursement of salaries and allowances, and for administering the working hours and absence registration system. Overall responsibility for occupational safety and health; inclusive workplace policy; management development; and skills development and training. The HR Section performs secretarial duties for the appointments panel, the working environment board, and the meetings between the management and trade unions in the Storting.

Head of Section: Ms Elin Ødegård


Procurement and Administrative Systems Section

Responsible for administering all processes for procurements of over NOK100,000 excl. VAT. Ensures that all procurement processes comply by public procurement legislation and regulations, and are transparent and verifiable. Assists in following up existing contracts so that the Storting administration is provided with the correct service at the right price. Develops and updates procurement templates.

Head of Section: Ms Marianne Sætra


Finance and Governance Section

Responsible for financial reporting and budgets; financial management and accounts; internal control; and the Storting’s annual report. Contact with and coordination of information to and from the Ministry of Finance, the Office of the Auditor General and the Agency for Financial Management. Administers parliamentary party subsidies. Liaises with the Storting’s external bodies: the Office of the Auditor General, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, the Parliamentary Ombudsman for the Armed Forces, the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution and the EOS Committee – the Parliament Appointed Committee for Intelligence Oversight.

Head of Section: Ms Marit Jørgensen


Members’ Services Section

Responsible for administering legislation and regulations relating to parliamentary allowances and for dealing with questions about remuneration, travel allowance, car rental, nursery school provision and service flats. Administers and processes travel accounts for Members and staff, and ensures that all systems and processes comply by applicable legislation and regulations. English language services, including language training, text editing and translation.

Head of Section: Mr Roger Fretheim


Strategy and Corporate Development Section

The role of the section is to ensure that the administration’s change and development work is successful.

Head of Section: Ms Kaja Gade Kjerschow

Storting Archives

Responsble for the remote archives of the Storting. Document administration and archive services for the parliamentary process. Historical archives. The register of the proceedings of the Storting. Sound and picture archive. In charge of the Storting’s art and portrait gallery.

Head of Section: Mr Egil Borlaug

General enquiries:
+47 23 31 36 70

Sist oppdatert: 03.03.2025 15:48