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Security and Access Regulations for the Storting

Adopted by the Presidium of the Storting on 15th December 2016. Revised on 20th April 2023, with effect from 1st October 2023.

1. General rules
2. Access passes
3. Public service permits
4. Visitors
5. Miscellaneous 

1.  General rules

1.1 Access to the Storting

The Security and Access Regulations for the Storting (the Norwegian Parliament) regulate access to the Storting’s buildings, with the exception of the Members of the Storting’s (MP’s) ​commuter accommodation. Exceptions to these regulations may only be granted upon application to the Secretary General of the Storting, who is also responsible for stipulating the terms and conditions for access.

All persons who are in the Storting’s buildings must have either a valid access pass (see section 2.4), a valid public service permit (see section 3) or a visitor pass (see section 4). Passes must be worn visibly at all times. All passes and PIN codes are strictly personal and must not be transferred to others.

1.2 Evacuation

In the event of evacuation, it is the duty of all those who receive visitors to ensure that their visitors follow the evacuation procedures.

1.3 Violation of the Security and Access Regulations

Violation of the Security and Access Regulations may result in the following sanctions:

  • Visitors may be removed from the premises
  • Holders of personal access passes may have their passes cancelled
  • Serious violations may be reported to the police.

2.  Access Passes

2.1 Different types of access pass

Type A access passes are issued to:

MPs, serving Substitute MPs, members of staff in the parliamentary party groups, general secretaries in the party organizations, members of staff in the Storting’s administration and others upon special application to the Secretary General of the Storting.

Type B access passes are issued to:

Government ministers, state secretaries, political advisers in the government ministries, political staff in the parties, members of the Parliamentary Press Club, and board members in the staff pensioners’ association.

Contract staff and service providers whose contracts are of an extended duration and/or relate to regular assignments may be issued with a Type B access pass in accordance with the guidelines stipulated by the Security Section. Alternatively, the guidelines may determine that a day pass be issued in return for the deposit of a valid ID.

Type C access passes are issued to:

Members of staff working for the EOS Committee – the Parliament Appointed Committee for Intelligence Oversight, the Parliamentary Ombud, the Parliamentary Ombud for the Armed Forces, and the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution.

Type D access passes are issued to:

Former MPs. Former Substitute MPs are not entitled to a Type D access pass.

2.2 Ordering access passes

The Security Section is responsible for processing applications for and issuing access passes. Before an access pass is issued, the person applying for the access pass must be informed about evacuation routes and fire safety procedures. It must also be ensured that the person concerned has had an authorization and security clearance meeting where this is required. It is the responsibility of the person’s immediate line manager to inform the Security Section of the need to conduct such an authorization and security clearance meeting before an access pass is issued.

2.3 Who can order the access pass?

Only persons with special authorization from the Secretary General of the Storting are permitted to order access passes from the Security Section.  It is the responsibility of the person ordering the access pass to ensure that there is a genuine need for an access pass in each case, and that the person applying for the pass meets the access pass requirements. It is also the responsibility of the person ordering the access pass to ensure that the passholder is fully informed about evacuation routes and fire safety procedures, cf. section 2.2.

2.4 Responsibility of the person receiving the access pass

The person receiving the access pass must provide exact and correct personal data and produce valid identification when the access pass is issued. The person receiving the access pass must agree to abide by the Security and Access Regulations at all times and must sign the access pass terms and conditions form when collecting the pass.

2.5 Access rules for type A access pass holders

The Storting’s buildings are open for entry and exit to all type A access pass holders (access pass with PIN codes) from 0700–2200 hrs on weekdays, or at times when the sittings in the Storting have been extended. All entry and exit outside these hours must take place through the reception at the Storting’s Akersgata entrance.

Type A access pass holders may receive up to five visitors at a time without the need to give advance notification of this.

Parking in the garage is reserved for the following type A access pass holders: MPs, serving Substitute MPs, and members of staff in the administration with special parking permits.

All other type A access pass holders may use the garage on weekdays between 14.30 and 24.00 hrs, and at weekends from Friday at 14.30 hrs to Sunday at 24.00 hrs. Members of staff without a special parking permit may apply to their nearest line manager for a one-day parking permit. The Security Section may issue such a one-day parking permit once the aforementioned line manager’s recommendation has been received. The Security Section’s Operations Centre should be notified of such recommendations as soon as possible.

All parking is on the condition that there are available parking spaces in the garage. It is strictly prohibited to use the garage as storage space for vehicles or trailers.

2.6 Access rules for type B access pass holders

Type B access pass holders must always use the staffed receptions. The receptions’ opening hours can be found on the Storting’s intranet and on

Government ministers may be accompanied by up to five visitors at a time without the need to give advance notification of this. Other Type B access pass holders are not permitted to receive visitors.

Media staff from NRK and TV2 may park up to service vehicles each when on assignment in the Storting. Contract staff and service providers on assignment may apply for permission to park in the Storting garage. Other Type B access pass holders are not permitted to park in the Storting garage.

2.7 Access rules for type C access pass holders

Type C access pass holders must always use the staffed receptions. The receptions’ opening hours can be found on the Storting’s intranet and on

Access to the Storting’s buildings for type C access pass holders is limited to weekdays between 10.00 and 14.00 hrs.

Type C access pass holders are not permitted to receive visitors or park in the Storting garage.

2.8 Access rules for type D access pass holders

Type D access pass holders must always use the staffed receptions and pass through the security controls. The receptions’ opening hours may be found on the Storting’s intranet and on

Type D access pass holders may be accompanied by one visitor at a time without the need to give advance notification of this.

Type D access pass holders are not permitted to park in the Storting garage.

Former MPs must sign a written declaration in which they undertake not to use their access pass for political lobbying before being issued with a type D access pass. If the purpose of access to the Storting is to undertake political lobbying, the former MP must register as a visitor, cf. section 4.1.

Misuse of access card type D in accordance with the declaration above is considered a violation of the security and access regulations, and may result in cancellation of the access card, cf. section 1.3

3.  Public service permits

3.1 Access for public service permit holders

The following public service permit holders are allowed access to the Storting when on official business:

  • Public service permits for the police/armed forces
  • Public service permits for the government ministries

3.2 Visitors and parking

Public service permit holders with access to the Storting when on official business are not permitted to be accompanied by visitors. Only police officers on duty relating to the business of the Storting may park in the Storting garage.

4.  Visitors

4.1 Access for visitors

The following persons are defined as visitors to the Storting: guests, members of the public, school classes, suppliers, journalists other than those with a Storting access pass, and contract staff and service providers in need of access for a shorter duration of time.

On arrival, all visitors must give the name of the person receiving them, pass through the security control, present proof of identity and be registered. 

Security controls may be waived for high-level international visits. Exceptions may also be made on application to the Secretary General of the Storting.

Visitors must be collected by the receiver of the visit at reception. Visitors must be accompanied at all times during their visit. At the end of their visit, visitors must be accompanied to the exit and checked out at a staffed reception.

Access passes must always be returned at the end of the visit.

Visitors are requested not to be taken into the Storting restaurant during lunch and dinner times, or on days of high activity in the Storting.

4.2 Access to the public gallery

The public gallery is open to visitors during sittings in the Storting Chamber via the public entrance on Karl Johans gate. Stimulants must not be brought into the Storting building. Visitors must not disrupt sittings in the Storting

4.3 Access to public hearings

Areas used in conjunction with public hearings shall be open to the public.

Stimulants must not be brought into the Storting buildings.

4.4 Guided tours

Guided tours must take place in accordance with the guidelines for guided tours

5.  Miscellaneous

5.1 Weapons and dangerous articles

It is strictly prohibited to bring weapons or other dangerous articles into the Storting’s buildings. This regulation does not apply for armed personnel in the service of the police or the armed forces.

5.2 Animals

Animals must not be brought into the Storting buildings. Exceptions to this rule are service dogs, and other animals for which an application has been approved by the Secretary General of the Storting.

5.3 Bicycles

All holders of type A, B, C and D access passes may park their bicycles in the Storting garage.

5.4 Access to the training facilities

The Storting’s training facilities and changing rooms may only be used by MPs, members of staff in the parliamentary party groups and members of the Storting administration. Contract staff and service providers may only use the training facilities and changing rooms if special authorization has been given in guidelines issued by the Storting administration.

Also see:

Regulations for Photography and Filming in the Storting

Regulations for Press Access to the Storting

Last updated: 15.10.2024 15:14