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Nordlund, Willfred

Nordlund, Willfred (1988-)

Political Party:
Centre Party
Member of Parliament for
Nordland 2021-2025
7 years, 8 days

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Member of

The Election Committee

Substitute member
24.10.2023 - 30.09.2025

The Delegation for Arctic Cooperation

Vice Chair
05.11.2021 - 30.09.2025

Centre Party

Member of the steering committee
29.09.2023 - 30.09.2025


Date of birth: 18 April 1988 in Bodø, Nordland
Son of mayor Karl–Erling Nordlund (1957–) and farmer Wenche Irene Kristiansen (1961–)

Parliamentary terms

Substitute Member of Parliament no. 3 for Nordland, 2009–2013, Centre Party
Substitute Member of Parliament no. 1 for Nordland, 2013–2017, Centre Party
Member of Parliament no. 3 for Nordland, 2017–2021, Centre Party
Member of Parliament no. 6 for Nordland, 2021–2025, Centre Party

Storting committees


Member, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration, 12 October 2017–30 September 2021


Member, Standing Committee on Business and Industry, 19 October 2021–21 October 2021
Chair, Standing Committee on Business and Industry, 21 October 2021–30 September 2025

Parliamentary delegations


Member, Delegation for Arctic Parliamentary Cooperation, 26 October 2017–30 September 2021
Member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 5 October 2018–30 September 2020
Substitute member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 13 October 2020–30 September 2021


Member, Delegation for Arctic Parliamentary Cooperation, 28 October 2021–5 November 2021
Vice chair, Delegation for Arctic Parliamentary Cooperation, 5 November 2021–30 September 2025

Membership of group steering committees


Second substitute member, Centre Party Group Steering Committee, 2 October 2017–30 September 2021


Member, Centre Party Group Steering Committee, 29 September 2023–30 September 2025

Education and professional experience


Jennestad Primary School 1995–2001
Sortland Lower Secondary School 2001–2004
Hadsel Upper Secondary School, cookery programme 2004–2006
Sortland Upper Secondary School, supplementary studies qualifying for higher education 2006–2007 (specialisation in general studies 3p)
Harstad University College, bachelor’s degree in tourism and management 2007–2009 (not completed)
BI Norwegian Business School, bachelor’s degree in marketing and economics 2009–2012


Relief worker, machinery operator 2000 (position still active, leave granted for certain periods)
Warehouse worker, Coop Mega Sortland 2003–2005
Dock worker 2006–2009
Cook, Stedet AS 2006–2008
Cook, Håndtverkeren AS 2006
Taxi driver, Sortland Taxi 2008–2010
Cook, Bare Blåbær AS 2009–2012
Substitute teacher, Sortland Primary School 2009
Secretary, Nordland Centre Party 2012
Project manager and head of finance, Deadline TV og Video AS 2014–2015


Municipal political service

Substitute member, Sortland Municipal Government 2015–2019 (leave granted for the period 2015–2017)
Member, Sortland Municipal Council 2019–2023

County political service

Member, Nordland County Council 2007–2011, 2015–2017 (leave granted from position as council member and exemption granted after parliamentary election 2017)

Vice chair, Nordland County Government 2015–2017 (council member responsible for transport and county government vice chair)

Public appointments

Member, Nordland Youth County Council 2003–2005 (corresponding to present Nordland Youth County Government), chair 2005–2007 (corresponding to present Nordland Youth County Government)
Member, Sortland Children and Youth Council 2006–2007
Member, Nordland County Council Education Committee 2007–2009
Member, Nordland Vocational Training Board 2007–2009 (appointed by Nordland County Council)
Board member, Museum Nord foundation 2008–2011 (appointed by Nordland County Council)
Member and vice chair, Nordland County Council Business and Industry Committee 2009–2011
Substitute member, Nordland County Council Scrutiny Committee 2011–2013 (appointed by Nordland County Council as external substitute member)
Member, Nordland County Council Scrutiny Committee 2013–2015 (appointed by Nordland County Council as an external member)

Elected party positions

Board member, Sortland Centre Party 2006–2009, vice chair 2014–2018, director of studies since 2018
Organisational vice chair, Nordland Centre Youth 2008–2009, political vice chair 2009–2011, county chair (for the periods 2006–2008; 2011–2012)
Member, Centre Youth Central Board 2008–2010, Secretary General 2012–2014, Central Executive Committee member (for the periods 2006–2008; 2008–2010; 2011–2012)
Vice president, Nordic Center Youth 2014–2015, substitute member 2015–2016
Board member, Nordland Centre Party (for the periods 2006–2009; 2011–2012)

Elected positions in organisations

Board member, Gullregn 4H 1998–2004
Board member, Nordland 4H 2005–2007