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Amundsen, Per-Willy

Amundsen, Per-Willy (1971-)

Political Party:
Progress Party
Member of Parliament for
Troms 2021-2025
14 years, 298 days

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Date of birth: 21 January 1971 in Harstad, Troms
Son of building and property manager Per Roald Amundsen (1949–) and medical secretary Wenche Berit Trudvang (1949–)

Parliamentary terms

Substitute Member of Parliament no. 1 for Troms, 2001–2005, Progress Party
Member of Parliament no. 4 for Troms, 2005–2009, Progress Party
Member of Parliament no. 5 for Troms, 2009–2013, Progress Party
Substitute Member of Parliament no. 1 for Troms, 2013–2017, Progress Party
Member of Parliament no. 3 for Troms, 2017–2021, Progress Party
Member of Parliament no. 3 for Troms, 2021–2025, Progress Party

Substitute periods

Government minister 1 October 2017–17 January 2018, Kristian P. Wilsgård served as substitute member of parliament

Storting committees


Second vice chair, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration, 19 October 2005–30 September 2009


Member, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration, 20 October 2009–6 October 2011
Member, Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment, 6 October 2011–30 September 2013


Member, Enlarged Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, 31 January 2018–29 January 2020
Member, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, 31 January 2018–29 January 2020
Substitute member, Election Committee, 13 February 2018–30 September 2021
Member, Standing Committee on Justice, 29 January 2020–30 September 2021


Member, Standing Committee on Justice, 19 October 2021–21 October 2021
Chair, Standing Committee on Justice, 21 October 2021–30 September 2025

Parliamentary delegations


Member, Delegation for Relations with the European Parliament, 31 January 2018–29 January 2020

Membership of group steering committees


Whip, Progress Party, 30 January 2018–28 January 2020
Member, Progress Party Group Steering Committee, 28 January 2020–30 September 2021

Government positions

State secretary, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, 16 October 2013–20 December 2016
Government minister, Ministry of Justice and Public Security, 20 December 2016–17 January 2018

Education and professional experience


Kanebogen Primary School 1978–1984
Harstad Lower Secondary School 1984–1987
Heggen Upper Secondary School, social studies programme 1987–1990
Compulsory military service, Hærens Samband military station 1990–1991
Business economics studies, Norwegian School of Economics 1991–1995
Basic leadership course, Norwegian Home Guard 1999
ICT studies, Sør-Trøndelag University College 1999–2001


Harstad Municipality 1995
Cinet Harstad AS 1995
Ad Notam Norge AS 1995
Harstad national insurance office 1997–1999
Own business 1999–2001
Nordata DA 2001
R&D Manager (software development) at Activ Online Technology AS 2002–2005


Municipal political service

Member, Harstad Municipal Council 1999–2003
Member, Harstad Municipal Executive Board 2003–2005

Public appointments

Associate judge, Trondenes District Court 1999–2005
Member, Contact Committee for Immigrants and the Authorities 2006–2007

Elected party positions

Chair, Harstad Progress Party Youth 1986–1990
Chair, Troms Progress Party Youth 1989–1990
Board member, Hordaland Progress Party Youth 1992–1994
Substitute board member, Harstad Progress Party 1999–2000
Chair, Harstad Progress Party 2000–2002

Other administrative appointments

Board chair, AOT Go Online AS 2003–2005