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Jaffery, Lubna Boby

Jaffery, Lubna Boby (1980-)

Minister of Culture and Equality
Political Party:
Labour Party
Vararepresentant for
Hordaland 2021-2025
1 years, 258 days

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Date of birth: 2 April 1980

Parliamentary terms

Substitute Member of Parliament no. 8 for Hordaland, 2009–2013, Labour Party
Substitute Member of Parliament no. 4 for Hordaland, 2013–2017, Labour Party
Substitute Member of Parliament no. 4 for Hordaland, 2017–2021, Labour Party
Substitute Member of Parliament no. 1 for Hordaland, 2021–2025, Labour Party

Substitute periods

Permanent attendance as substitute member of parliament for Marte Mjøs Persen, 14 October 2021–30 September 2025

Storting committees


Member, Standing Committee on Health and Care Services, 19 October 2021–26 November 2021
Substitute member, Election Committee, 26 October 2021–30 September 2025
Member, Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs, 26 November 2021–30 November 2021
First vice chair, Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs, 30 November 2021–30 September 2025

Parliamentary delegations


Substitute member, Delegation to the Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership (ASEP), 28 October 2021–7 December 2021
Member, Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, 28 October 2021–30 September 2025

Membership of group steering committees


Member, Labour Party Group Steering Committee, 24 November 2021–30 September 2025

Government positions

Political adviser, Ministry of Health and Care Services, 1 October 2009–23 October 2009
State secretary, Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs, 23 October 2009–31 December 2009
State secretary, Ministry of Culture, 1 January 2010–23 March 2012