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Johnsen, Kristin Ørmen

Johnsen, Kristin Ørmen (1953-)

Political Party:
Conservative Party
Member of Parliament deputy for
Buskerud 2021-2025
8 years, 156 days

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Parliamentary terms

2017–2021 Member of the Storting for Buskerud County, Conservative Party
2013–2017 Member of the Storting for Buskerud County, Conservative Party

Storting committees


Chair, Standing Committee on Family and Cultural Affairs 22.03.2018 - 30.09.2021
Member, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration 12.10.2017 - 16.03.2018


Member, Standing Committee on Health and Care Services

Parliamentary delegations


Substitute member, Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

Government appointments

2001–2004 State Secretary, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

Education and work experience

2013 Executive Master of Management, BI Norwegian Business School
2004–2013 Rector, Oslo University College
2000–2001 Dean, health studies department in Drammen, Buskerud University College
1997-2000 Pro-rector, Buskerud University College
1997 Assistant professor substitute, Department of Nursing Science, University of Oslo
1992 University degree in nursing science, University of Oslo
1989 Commission-evaluated as senior lecturer
1982 Two-year college teacher’s education, Norwegian school of nursing, Oslo
1980-2001 Lecturer, Buskerud University College
1980 Psychology and social geography, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
1979 Nurse, Belgrave Nurse Bureau, Dublin, Ireland
1978 Nurse, Dr. Steevens’ Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
1977–1978 Nurse and lead nurse, National Hospital
1978 Registered General Nurse, An bord Altranais
1977 Norwegian school of nursing
1973 Oslo Completion examination, Drammen upper secondary school
1973 Ex. phil. (introductory exam), University of Oslo