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Støre, Jonas Gahr

Støre, Jonas Gahr (1960-)

Prime Minister
Political Party:
Labour Party
Member of Parliament for
Oslo 2021-2025
15 years, 180 days

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Jacobsen, Frode is permanently meeting for Støre, Jonas Gahr.


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Parliamentary party groups

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Member of

Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister
14.10.2021 -


Date of birth: 25 August 1960 in Oslo
Son of shipbroker Ulf Jonas Støre (1925–2017) and housewife Unni Gahr (1931–2021)

Parliamentary terms

Member of Parliament no. 9 for Oslo, 2009–2013, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 6 for Oslo, 2013–2017, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 1 for Oslo, 2017–2021, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 2 for Oslo, 2021–2025, Labour Party

Substitute periods

Government minister 1 October 2009–30 September 2013, Truls Wickholm served as substitute member of parliament
Government minister 1 October 2013–16 October 2013, Vegard Grøslie Wennesland served as substitute member of parliament
Government minister 14 October 2021–30 September 2025, Frode Jacobsen served as substitute member of parliament

Storting committees


Member, Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 17 October 2013–22 October 2013
First vice chair, Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 22 October 2013–19 June 2014
Member, Enlarged Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, 19 June 2014–30 September 2017
Member, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, 19 June 2014–30 September 2017


Member, Election Committee, 7 October 2017–11 October 2017
Member, Enlarged Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee, 12 October 2017–30 September 2021
Member, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, 12 October 2017–30 September 2021
First vice chair, Election Committee, 12 October 2017–30 September 2021


Member, Election Committee, 9 October 2021–14 October 2021

Membership of specialist committees, internal boards and panels, etc.


Member, Special Committee for Consideration of Particular Matters related to the Coronavirus Crisis, 16 March 2020–18 March 2020
First vice chair, Special Committee for Consideration of Particular Matters related to the Coronavirus Crisis, 18 March 2020–30 September 2021

Parliamentary delegations


Member, Delegation for Relations with the European Parliament, 17 December 2015–30 September 2017


Member, Delegation for Relations with the European Parliament, 12 October 2017–30 September 2021

Membership of group steering committees


Chair, Labour Party Group Steering Committee, 18 June 2014–30 September 2017


Chair, Labour Party Group Steering Committee, 1 October 2017–30 September 2021


Chair, Labour Party Group Steering Committee, 1 October 2021–13 October 2021

Government positions

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 17 October 2005–21 September 2012
Government minister, Ministry of Health and Care Services, 21 September 2012–16 October 2013
Prime Minister, Office of the Prime Minister, 14 October 2021 –

Education and professional experience


Slemdal Primary School 1967–1973
Ris Lower Secondary School 1973–1976
Berg Upper Secondary School 1976–1979
Royal Norwegian Naval Academy 1979–1980
Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris 1981–1985 (political scientist)


Sub-lieutenant, Royal Norwegian Navy 1980–1981
Researcher, Scenarier 2000, BI Norwegian Business School 1986–1988
Research fellow, Harvard Law School 1986–1988 (various courses and study programmes)
Special Adviser, Office of the Prime Minister 1989–1995
Director General, Office of the Prime Minister 1995–1997
Executive Director, World Health Organization, Geneva 1998–2000
State secretary and chief of staff, Office of the Prime Minister 2000–2001
Chair, Econ Analyse 2002–2003
Secretary General, Norwegian Red Cross 2003–2005

Medals and awards, etc.

Good Leadership 2008
Willy Brandt Prize 2013


Public appointments

Chair, Global Action Group on the Arctic, World Economic Forum since 2014
Board member, International Crisis Group since 2014

Elected party positions

Board member, Oslo Labour Party International Forum 2001–2002, vice chair 2002–2003
Chair, Socialist International Middle East Committee 2006–2010
Board member, Oslo Labour Party since 2010
Member, Labour Party Central Board since 2011
Chair, Labour Party since 2014


Scenarier 2000), Universitetsforlaget Oslo 1987
Human Security, Harvard Boston 2003
Norge, en reise verdt?, Kagge Oslo 2003
Barents 2015, Econ Oslo 2004
Støre, Jonas Gahr: Å gjøre en forskjell: refleksjoner fra en norsk utenriksminister, Cappelen Damm Oslo 2008
Støre, Jonas Gahr: I bevegelse, Cappelen Damm Oslo 2014