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Pollestad, Geir

Pollestad, Geir (1978-)

Minister of Agriculture and Food
Political Party:
Centre Party
Member of Parliament for
Rogaland 2021-2025
13 years, 187 days

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Eidesen, Tor Inge is permanently meeting for Pollestad, Geir.


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Parliamentary party groups

Please see parliamentary party groups


Date of birth: 13 August 1978 in Hå, Rogaland
Son of sole proprietor Jone Pollestad (1952–) and sole proprietor Marit Erga (1952–)

Parliamentary terms

Substitute Member of Parliament no. 4 for Rogaland, 2001–2005, Centre Party
Substitute Member of Parliament no. 2 for Hordaland, 2005–2009, Centre Party
Substitute Member of Parliament no. 1 for Rogaland, 2009–2013, Centre Party
Member of Parliament no. 12 for Rogaland, 2013–2017, Centre Party
Member of Parliament no. 9 for Rogaland, 2017–2021, Centre Party
Member of Parliament no. 6 for Rogaland, 2021–2025, Centre Party

Substitute periods

Permanent attendance as substitute member of parliament for Magnhild Meltveit Kleppa, 1 October 2009–18 June 2012

Storting committees


Member, Standing Committee on Labour and Social Affairs, 20 October 2009–18 June 2012


Substitute member, Election Committee, 8 October 2013–30 September 2017
Member, Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment, 17 October 2013–22 April 2014
Member, Standing Committee on Business and Industry, 22 April 2014–24 April 2014
Chair, Standing Committee on Business and Industry, 24 April 2014–30 September 2017


Member, Standing Committee on Business and Industry, 12 October 2017–17 October 2017
Chair, Standing Committee on Business and Industry, 17 October 2017–30 September 2021


Member, Election Committee, 9 October 2021–30 September 2025
Member, Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 19 October 2021–30 September 2025

Parliamentary delegations


Substitute member, Delegation to the EFTA and EEA Parliamentary Committees, 21 October 2009–10 November 2011
Substitute member, Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), 22 October 2009–18 June 2012
Substitute member, European Consultative Committee, 9 November 2009–18 June 2012


Personal substitute member, Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, 28 October 2021–30 September 2025

Membership of group steering committees


Substitute whip, Centre Party, 1 October 2009–18 June 2012
First substitute member, Centre Party Group Steering Committee, 6 April 2011–18 June 2012


Substitute whip, Centre Party, 16 October 2013–30 September 2017
Second substitute member, Centre Party Group Steering Committee, 16 October 2013–30 September 2017


Substitute whip, Centre Party, 2 October 2017–30 September 2021

Government positions

Political adviser, Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, 5 February 2007–21 September 2007
Political adviser, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, 21 September 2007–20 June 2008
State secretary, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, 20 June 2008–8 October 2008
State secretary, Ministry of Transport, 8 October 2008–30 September 2009
State secretary, Ministry of Transport, 28 September 2012–30 September 2013

Education and professional experience


Høyland School 1985–1991
Nærbø Lower Secondary School 1991–1994
Bryne Upper Secondary School, general subjects 1994–1997
Economics, Stavanger University College 1998–1999
Qualifying legal examination, University of Bergen 1999–2006


Associate, Projure law firm 2006–2007


Municipal political service

Substitute member, Bergen City Council 2003–2006
Member, Time Municipal Council 2011–2015, 2015–2019

Public appointments

Substitute member, Environmental and Urban Development Committee 2003–2006

Elected party positions

Political vice chair, Centre Youth Central Board 2001–2003
Vice president, Nordic Center Youth 2003–2009

Elected positions in organisations

Chair, Norwegian Union of Students, Bergen 2004–2005
Substitute member, Parliamentary Services User Panel 2013

Other administrative appointments

Board chair, Robin Hood Huset (support centre) 2004–2005
Board member, Bergen Student Welfare Association 2005–2006