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Myhrvold, Ole André

Date of birth: 10 June 1978
Son of industrial worker Ole Eugen Myhrvold (1944–1996) and health worker Liv Wilson (1947–)

Parliamentary terms

Member of Parliament no. 7 for Østfold, 2017–2021, Centre Party
Member of Parliament no. 4 for Østfold, 2021–2025, Centre Party

Storting committees


Member, Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment, 12 October 2017–30 September 2021
Personal substitute member, Preparatory Credentials Committee, 17 June 2021–30 September 2021


Member, Election Committee, 9 October 2021–30 September 2025
Member, Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment, 19 October 2021–29 September 2023
Member, Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, 29 September 2023–30 September 2025

Parliamentary delegations


Substitute member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 17 October 2017–30 September 2020
Delegate, UN General Assembly, 1 October 2019–30 September 2020
Member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 13 October 2020–30 September 2021


Substitute member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 28 October 2021–30 September 2022
Member, Delegation to the EFTA and EEA Parliamentary Committees, 5 May 2022–30 September 2025

Membership of group steering committees


Member, Centre Party group steering committee  29 September 2023–30 September 2025

Education and professional experience


University of Oslo, faculty examination and university preliminary entrance examination from 1999
Hedmark University College, information and public relations 1999–2001


Summer job, Nordox Industrier 1993–1997 (janitorial tasks and courier)
Waiter, receptionist and bartender, Taverna motel and cafeteria 1998–2001 (summer job and weekend shifts)
Creative staff, Centre Youth National Federation 1998–1999
Communications adviser, Storm kommunikasjon AS 2001–2002
Journalist, Nationen from 2001 (temporary position)
PR adviser, Coop NKL BA 2002–2006
PR manager, Coop Norge SA 2006–2011
Head of business policy, Coop Norge SA since 2011 (on leave since 2011)


Municipal political service

Member, Trøgstad Municipal Executive Board 2009–2011
Mayor, Trøgstad Municipal Council 2011–2015, 2015–2017

Elected party positions

Chair, Trøgstad Centre Youth 1992–1994
Chair, Østfold Centre Youth 1995–1998
First substitute member, Centre Youth National Federation Central Board 1997–1998, political vice chair 1998–2000

Elected positions in organisations

Head of rural policy, Trøgstad Rural Youth 1991–1993
Board member, Trøgstad No to the EU 1992–1997
First substitute member, Østfold Rural Youth 1993–1994
Member, Youth against the EU Central Executive Committee 2000–2001

Other administrative appointments

Chair, Norwegian Union of Commerce and Office Employees club at Coop NKL BA 2006–2010
Board member, Coop Norge SA 2007–2009 (employee-elected)

Last updated: 15.02.2024 15:02