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Kleveland, Kathrine

Date of birth: 7 April 1966
Daughter of carpenter and farmer Jakob Rønningen (1934–2018) and office worker Ellen–Marie Wallumrød (1941–)

Parliamentary terms

Member of Parliament no. 6 for Vestfold, 2021–2025, Centre Party

Storting committees


Member, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration, 19 October 2021–30 September 2025

Parliamentary delegations


Member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 28 October 2021–30 September 2024

Membership of group steering committees


Second substitute member, Centry Party Group Steering Committee, 29 September 2023–30 September 2025

Education and professional experience


Holmestrand Upper Secondary School, humanities 1982–1985
Vestfold Arts and Crafts School, Larvik, drawing, form and colour 1985–1986
Brundalen Upper Secondary School, Trondheim, graphic design advanced course 1, 1986–1987
Brundalen Upper Secondary School, Trondheim, graphic design advanced course 2, 1987–1988
Idefagskolen, Nøtterøy, media design 2007–2008


Office worker, Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim 1988–1989
Designer, System-Tekst A/S, Holmestrand 1989–1991
Sole proprietor, Kathrines Strek 1991–2009
Graphic designer and seller, Media Link Vestfold, Tønsberg 1992–1995
Chair, Norwegian Society of Rural Women, Oslo 2008–2014
Chair, No to the EU, Oslo 2014–2020


County political service

Member, Vestfold County Council 2015–2019
Member, County Council 2019–2021

Public appointments

Member, Vestfold County Municipality Specialist Committee for Culture, Public Health and Sports 2015–2019
Member, Broadcasting Council, Oslo 2017–2021
Vice chair, Vestfold og Telemark County Municipality Specialist Committee for Culture, Public Health, Dental Health and Sports 2019–2021

Elected party positions

County chair, Centre Party since 2014, Central Board member, 2014–2019

Elected positions in organisations

Pupil council chair, Holmestrand Upper Secondary School 1983–1984
District chair, Amathea foundation 1997–2001
Local party chair, Hillestad Society of Rural Women 2001–2004
Working committee member, Holmestrand Cultural Festival 2003–2005
Editor, Botne parish magazine 2003–2008
County chair, Vestfold Society of Rural Women 2005–2008
Board member, Norwegian Agrarian Association 2008–2014
Vice chair, Jomfruland National Park 2019–2021
Board member, Ibsen Theatre 2019–2021


Vold, Elin Kragset; fotograf Trine Mikkelsen: Godt drikke, Eget forlag Prinfo Unique, Larvik 2006
Brekken, Astrid: Kvinnebønder, Boksmia Ål 2013

Last updated: 31.01.2024 14:21