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President of the Masud Gharahkhani is in the USA in connection with a NATO summit.. Photo: Storting.

President of the Storting to NATO summit in the USA

President of the Storting Masud Gharahkhani is visiting the United States from 4th to 9th July to take part in the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s summit in Washington DC. The summit marks NATO’s 75th anniversary.

The chief aim of Mr Gharahkhani’s trip to the USA is to lead the Storting’s delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s summit in Washington DC on 8th-9th July. Trond Helleland (Conservative Party) and Sverre Myrli (Labour Party) are the other two members of the delegation. In the days leading up to the meeting in Washington, the President of the Storting will spend some time with Norwegian communities in the Midwest and be given an insight into the American election campaign.

Close allies

“The ties between Norway and the USA are especially strong and important. Our Constitution from 1814 was inspired by the United States’ Constitution of the late 1780s, so our common values are deeply rooted in one another. Next year marks 200 years of Norwegian emigration to America. And the USA’s help during World War Two was absolutely crucial in ensuring victory over the Nazi’s in 1945. Since 1949, when our two nations were among the co-founders of NATO, we have been very close allies,” said Mr Gharahkhani.

Transatlantic security and support for Ukraine will be important topics during the NATO summit.

“My most important message to the Americans and our other allies is that Norway is deeply committed to transatlantic security. A unanimous Storting is united behind our five-year support programme for Ukraine and the long-term defence plan. Not only does this meeting in Congress of the heads of parliament from the allied nations mark NATO’s 75th anniversary, but it sends out an important signal. We stand united behind our democratic values, and we are ready to defend them – all for one, one for all,” added Mr Gharahkhani.

Visiting Norwegian communities in the Midwest

During his time in the USA, the President of the Storting will be travelling to such places as Chicago, Decorah and Minneapolis, where many Norwegian emigrants settled down after crossing the Atlantic. Here, Mr Gharahkhani will be meeting locals and visiting important institutions in order to find out more about Norwegian-American history and to promote business cooperation and cultural and knowledge exchange.

Mr Gharahkhani will also be talking to politicians – both national and state – and party workers and supporters from both the Democrats and the Republicans.

“The USA will continue to be a very important country for Norway as a friend and an ally regardless of who Americans vote for. This is why I want to use this visit to raise awareness about how much our close ties mean to various communities. I also want to take the opportunity to meet different people, to listen to their views and to get a better understanding about the political situation in the USA,” said Mr Gharahkhani.

Last updated: 08.07.2024 10:04