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In connection with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, on November 25, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is launching a campaign featuring the hashtag label #NotInMyParliament 

Ingjerd Schou. Photo: Storting.

Ingjerd Schou. Photo: Storting.

The Norwegian hashtag is #ikkeimittparlament.

The head of the Storting’s delegation to PACE, Ingjerd Schou (Conservative Party), hopes the campaign will raise awareness and help to reduce violence against women serving in parliaments.

Disheartening findings in recent survey

In a recent survey conducted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and PACE, 123 female parliamentarians in 45 different countries were interviewed about their experiences. The findings were disheartening, according to Schou, who was present for the launch of PACE’s #NotInMyParliament campaign during the meeting of the PACE Standing Committee in Helsinki on 23 November. Interviewees reported the following about their time in office:

• 85.2 per cent had experienced psychological violence

• 46.9 per cent had received death threats or threats of rape and violence

• 58.2 per cent had been subjected to harassment online and in social media

• 67.9 per cent had been subjected to comments related to appearance and stereotypes

• 24.7 per cent had experienced sexual violence

• 14.8 per cent had experienced physical violence

See campaign video

Women most vulnerable

“We know that women who take part in politics and public debate are more vulnerable to smears and harassment than male colleagues,” says Schou. “Not only is their basic security threatened, but also their freedom of expression and the opportunity to participate in politics on an equal basis with men. It is disturbing – and a serious democratic problem – that so many women are also subjected to physical and sexual violence.”

Among participants at the PACE meeting was the Finnish Foreign Minister, Timo Soini. Finland holds the Chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers from 21 November 2018 to 17 May 2019. One of the three top priorities of the Finnish Chairmanship is women’s rights and gender equality, including the effort to reduce violence against women.

Istanbul Convention

During this period special attention will be paid to member states’ implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on combating violence against women domestic violence, known as the Istanbul Convention. A year has passed since Norway’s ratification of the Istanbul Convention, and the country will report on its implementation efforts in 2020.

See also

The report "Sexism, harassment and violence against women in parliaments in Europe"
The Storting’s Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)

Last updated: 13.11.2019 09:56