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President of the Storting, Olemic Thommessen in Georgia. Photo: Storting

Vivid impressions from the first day in Georgia

On his first day in Georgia, Olemic Thommessen visited a camp for internally displaced persons from the war with Russia in 2008. The visit made a strong impression on the President of the Storting

Georgia is a fledgling democracy with considerable challenges, not least in its relations with neighbouring Russia. The Tserovani Camp with its 2,000 shelters is home to internally displaced persons from the breakaway republic of South Ossetia.

“It is important not to forget the plight of these people who cannot move back to their homes, almost seven years after the war with Russia. They have to build a future irrespective of whether or not the political situation will ever make it possible for them to return. Schooling is the key to giving children an opportunity to get work when they grow older and integrate into society,” says Olemic Thommessen, who is on an official visit to Georgia from 23 to 26 March.

Last week Russia signed an alliance and integration agreement with South Ossetia, which is seen as a further violation of Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

A stark reminder

“The meeting with one of the displaced families was a stark and important reminder, especially in these times where our attentions are primarily directed towards the conflict in Ukraine,” says the President of the Storting.

Olemic Thommessen was invited to Georgia by President David Usupashvili. During the three-day visit he will have meetings with parliamentarians, the Georgian President, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister and with the Patriarch of the Orthodox Georgian Church.

Support to Parliament

“It is in Norway’s and the Norwegian Storting’s interests to support democratic development, not least on the periphery of Europe. At a time like this it is extremely important to contribute to positive developments in young democracies,” says Olemic Thommessen.

The President of the Storting was recently in Ukraine together with the parliamentary presidents of the Nordic and Baltic countries to affirm support for the National Assembly there.

“Georgia and Ukraine have very close political ties, and the Norwegian initiative towards Ukraine is therefore a natural part of the talks here,” said Thommessen.


Last updated: 26.03.2015 11:11