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Meeting of the Storting's European Consultative Committee 12th March

Vidar Helgesen, Minister of EEA and EU Affairs, and Monica Mæland, Minister of Trade and Industry, will be representing the Government. The members of the Standing Committee on Health and Care Services have been invited to take part.

The Minister of EEA and EU Affairs will inform about current EU/EEA issues and EU legislation that is due to be considered in the EEA Committee meeting of 20th March.

The European Consultative Committee is the body in the Storting responsible for consultations with the Government on topics of current interest within the EU and EEA.

From the Storting, the European Consultative Committee consists of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence and the members of the Norwegian delegation to the EFTA and EEA Parliamentary Committees. One or more of the other standing committees may be required to take part if particular consultations relate to their spheres of responsibility. The Government is represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, though other ministers may take part if required. The Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence is also the Chair of the European Consultative Committee.

European Consultative Committee meetings are held behind closed doors unless otherwise decided. Minutes from such meetings are published once the meetings are over with the exception of the parts that have been exempted from public disclosure. The complete minutes of meetings are published one year after they have taken place.

Last updated: 19.10.2018 13:38