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The Storting’s Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in Budapest

The Storting’s Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) is currently in Budapest for the Assembly’s Spring Session.

Important security policy issues are at the top of the agenda. The Storting’s Delegation to the NATO PA is taking part in the Assembly’s Spring Session, which is being held in Budapest from 15th‒18th May.

For four days parliamentarians from NATO’s member states, associate countries and observer delegations are discussing and debating current security policy issues and challenges.

“An important arena”

“With the security policy tensions we’ve been witness to recently, the NATO PA has become an increasingly important arena for political thinking and debate. I am looking forward to discussing mutual challenges and solutions with my parliamentary colleagues,” Øyvind Halleraker (Conservative Party), Head of Delegation, said before departure.

60 this year and counting

2015 marks the 60th anniversary of the NATO PA. The anniversary takes place at a time when security tensions and challenges along NATO’s eastern borders are on the rise. One of the items on the agenda at the Spring Session in Budapest is the topic of NATO enlargement. Also being debated are such current security policy challenges as the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the High North, the Middle East, terror and extremism.

Click here for the NATO PA’s own website, with in-depth information about the Spring Session in Budapest.

The next session of the NATO PA will be hosted by the Storting, the Annual Session taking place in Stavanger from 9th‒12th October 2015.


Last updated: 18.05.2015 14:59