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Hundreds of visitors on Oslo Culture Night

Huge numbers flocked to see the Storting from the inside on Oslo Culture Night 2014. The concert with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra was a great crowd puller, but visitors were also interested in the Storting Chamber and the chance to see the original Constitution.

Even before doors opened, a long queue stretched outside the Storting building. Many present were keen to get hold of one of the tickets available for the concert with the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra since it was well known that the concert venue, the Lagting Chamber, had extremely limited capacity.


Long queues at Løvebakken. Photo: The Storting

Long queues at Løvebakken. Photo: The Storting


Once in, visitors were allowed free access to the best known rooms, chambers and halls in the Storting. The Storting Chamber was clearly a great favourite; for many present it was their first chance to see this majestic sight with their own eyes. Members of staff from the Storting’s Visitors and Educational Services Section were on hand throughout to share their expertise about the building’s art, history and daily life.


All sorts of materials and paraphernalia – both relating to the Storting and to the Bicentenary of the Norwegian Constitution – were available in the Central Hall. Visitors were also able to make their own badges, something that proved extremely popular, particularly among the younger visitors.


The highlight for many was, however, the concert in the Lagting Chamber. Those lucky enough to get seats were witness to a philharmonic orchestra at its playful best.


“It was a virtuoso performance. Such talented musicians can take liberties in the most sensational ways, like performing Vivaldi like that. It was wonderful,” said the President of the Storting, Olemic Thommessen, after the concert.


“An excellent concert! This is the first time I’ve ever been inside the Storting and it was all because of this concert. The Lagting Chamber was an outstanding venue,” said Martin Pajchel, one of the fortunate few to get a ticket. 


The end of the concert was met by a standing ovation.


The Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra playing in the Lagting Chamber. Photo: The Storting.

The Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra playing in the Lagting Chamber. Photo: The Storting.


The Head of the Storting Archives, Egil Borlaug, was in the Historical Hall to exhibit, among other things, the original Constitution. Borlaug reported huge interest in the historical documents among the general public. He added that visitors’ questions about 1814 and the Constitution were proof of high interest and knowledge levels among the population in general.


Masterminded by the City of Oslo’s Agency for Cultural Affairs, Oslo Culture Night was being arranged for the tenth year in a row. The Storting has taken part every year.


Photos from Oslo Culture Night 2014 at the Storting are available on Flickr

Last updated: 15.09.2014 13:24