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Persen, Marte Mjøs

Date of birth: 24 April 1975
Daughter of secondary school teacher Svein Persen (1947–) and executive officer Eli Hedvig Mjøs (1951–2008)

Parliamentary terms

Member of Parliament no. 2 for Hordaland, 2021–2025, Labour Party

Substitute periods

Government minister 14 October 2021–28 June 2023, Lubna Boby Jaffery served as substitute member of parliament
Government minister 28 June 2023–16 October 2023, Benjamin Jacobsen served as substitute member of parliament

Government positions

Government minister, Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, 14 October 2021–7 March 2022
Government minister, Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion, 7 March 2022–16 October 2023

Education and professional experience


Leirvik School 1982–1986 (primary and lower secondary school)
Hellen School 1986–1988 (primary and lower secondary school)
Lønborg School 1988–1990 (lower secondary school)
Langhaugen Upper Secondary School, music programme 1990–1993
Stord Upper Secondary School, music programme 1995–1996
University of Bergen, bachelor’s degree in culture and social science, intermediate courses in sociology and literary science, some courses in women’s and gender theory 1996–2003 (parental leave 1997–1998)


Various part-time positions in the restaurant/service sector 1994–2003
County secretary, No to the EU 2007–2008
Organisational secretary, Norwegian Humanist Association 2008–2011


Municipal political service

Member, Bergen City Council 2003–2007, substitute member 2007–2011, chair 2011–2015 (chair of Health and Social Committee), Mayor 2015–2019, 2019–2021

Public appointments

Board member, Seilskuten Statsraad Lehmkuhl foundation, Bergen 2011–2021
Substitute member and member, Bergen and Omland Port Authority 2011–2018 (substitute member 2011–2015 and member 2015–2018)
Chair, Verdensarvrådet (World Heritage Board), Bergen 2017–2019
Chair, KODE Art Museum foundation, Bergen 2019–2021

Elected party positions

Vice chair, Red Electoral Alliance 2003–2007
Member, Labour Party Central Board 2011–2015, since 2019
Chair, Bergen Labour Party 2011–2015
Chair, Hordaland Labour Party 2017–2019
Chair, Vestland Labour Party since 2019

Elected positions in organisations

Women’s policy representative, Norwegian Union of Students 2001–2002
Board member, Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature, Hordaland 2008–2010
Board member, Union of Employees in Commerce and Offices, western region 2008–2011
Chair, Family and Gender Equality Policy Committee, Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions, Hordaland 2008–2011
Corporate assembly member, Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions, Bergen 2008–2011
Club chair, Union of Employees in Commerce and Offices club at the Norwegian Humanist Association 2009–2011

Last updated: 20.12.2023 10:28