Eidsvolls plass is located in front of the Parliament building. Photo: The Storting
The Storting is the landowner and is responsible for managing the space fairly and without prejudice.
Who can apply for demonstrations in Eidsvolls plass?
Individuals over the age of 18 and organizations can apply to hold demonstrations of a political, humanitarian or religious nature in the square.
Commercial events involving any form of advertising, sales or solicitation are not permitted.
Cultural events, such as concerts and art exhibitions, which are not part of political, humanitarian or religious demonstrations are not permitted.
Practical information
When you apply to hold a demonstration in Eidsvolls plass, you are obliged to familiarize yourself with the related information and regulations.
The Storting's calendar
The date, time and title of the demonstration will be published in the Storting's calendar, as well as on the Storting's intranet for the Members of Parliament and staff.
Time limits
The period you are applying for must include time for any rigging beforehand and clearing away afterwards. Outer limits for demonstrations in Eidsvolls plass are from 07.00 to 22.00. Due to high demand, a limit of two hours has been set for demonstrations on Saturdays.
Power connection
All approved demonstrations in Eidsvolls plass will be given access to power cabinets. Contact details and procedure will be sent to you once the application has been approved.
Terms and conditions
- The contact person for the demonstration must be present in Eidsvolls plass and available by mobile phone throughout the demonstration, including during rigging in advance and clearing away afterwards.
- Violation of the rules may lead to immediate revocation of the agreement and removal from the square.
- The police are given notice of all demonstrations in Eidsvolls plass. A prerequisite for the agreement to be valid is that the police do not raise any objections.
- In the event of damage to the park facilities or unsatisfactory clean-up after a demonstration, the organizer may be held responsible for the costs of repairs and clean-ups.
Rules for demonstrations in Eidsvolls plass
Rules for demonstrations in Eidsvolls plass (pdf)
Privacy policy and freedom of information
The Storting has its own freedom of information rules. These largely follow the provisions in the Freedom of Information Act. Consequently, all correspondence (letters, emails, etc.) between those applying to hold demonstrations in Eidsvolls plass and the Storting will be publicly available, unless there is are special grounds for making an exception.
Please note that both Eidsvolls plass and the surrounding area are under continuous video surveillance. See the Storting's privacy notice.
How to apply for a demonstration
Reservations must be made online. It is possible to apply for a demonstration three months in advance. You will only see available dates and times in the application form. You will receive a confirmation when you have submitted the form. Please contact us if you do not receive this confirmation.
We will reply to your application within three working days.