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Lauvås, Stein Erik

Date of birth: 3 May 1965 in Porsgrunn, Telemark
Son of taxi owner Jan Borgen (1934–2001) and factory worker/housewife Ingerid Lauvås (1939–)

Parliamentary terms

Substitute Member of Parliament no. 4 for Østfold, 2001–2005, Labour Party
Substitute Member of Parliament no. 4 for Østfold, 2005–2009, Labour Party
Substitute Member of Parliament no. 1 for Østfold, 2009–2013, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 6 for Østfold, 2013–2017, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 1 for Østfold, 2017–2021, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 7 for Østfold, 2021–2025, Labour Party

Storting committees


Substitute member, Election Committee, 8 October 2013–30 September 2017
Member, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration, 17 October 2013–30 September 2017


Member, Election Committee, 7 October 2017–30 September 2021
Member, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration, 12 October 2017–12 March 2020
Second vice chair, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration, 12 March 2020–30 September 2021


Member, Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment, 19 October 2021–30 September 2025

Parliamentary delegations


Substitute member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 24 October 2013–30 September 2017


Member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 17 October 2017–30 September 2021
Delegate, UN General Assembly, 1 October 2018–30 September 2019


Member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 28 October 2021–30 September 2024

Membership of group steering committees


Member, Labour Party Group Steering Committee, 12 March 2020–30 September 2021

Education and professional experience


Primary and lower secondary school, 1972–1981
Norwegian Air Force, 1985–1986
Borg Upper Secondary School, car mechanic 1987


Labourer, Lundeby & co 1982–1983
Road maintenance worker, Norwegian Public Roads Administration 1983 (temporary position)
Factory worker, Viking Dekk Askim 1984
Bilverkstedet Mosbæk & co 1986–1989
Service staff, Ørje Truck Stop 1989–1994
Youth secretary, Workers’ Youth League/Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions Østfold 1994
Youth secretary, Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions Østfold 1995–1998
District secretary, Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions Østfold 1998 (temporary position)
Regional secretary, Norwegian Union of Commerce and Office Employees 1999 (temporary position), 2001–2003
General secretary, Norwegian Filmmakers Association 1999–2001


Municipal political service

Member, Marker Municipal Council 1991–1995, Mayor 2003–2007, 2007–2011, 2011–2013

Public appointments

Chair, Haldenvassdragets Kanalselskap AS 2004–2011
Board member, Østfold Energi AS 2012–2014

Elected party positions

Chair, Marker Workers’ Youth League 1987–1993
Chair, Marker Labour Party 2001–2013
Board member, Østfold Labour Party 2008–2010, chair since 2014

Elected positions in organisations

Chair, Norwegian Union of Commerce and Office Employees, Eastern Region 1996–2000
Chair, DS Engebret Soot foundation 1998–2001

Sist oppdatert: 31.01.2024 15:13