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Jegstad, Nils Aage

Conservative Party
Member of the Storting for Akershus County
Member, Standing Committee on Transport and Communication

Parliamentary terms

2017–2021 Member of the Storting for Akershus County, Conservative Party
2013–2017 Member of the Storting for Akershus County, Conservative Party
2005–2009 Substitute Member of the Storting for Akershus County, Conservative Party

Storting committees


Member, Standing Committee on Transport and Communication


Member, Standing Committee on Transport and Communication

Parliamentary delegations


Member, Norwegian Delegation to the Nordic Council

Political appointments

2007–2013 Mayor, Akershus county
2002–2008 Member Conservatives central executive committee
2002–2008 Head of Akershus County Conservatives
1999–2007 Member Country committee, Akershus
1999–2002 Head of Vestby Conservatives
1995–1999 Member, county council Akershus
1991–1995 Substitute Member, county council Akershus
1988–1999 Mayor, Vestby, Municipal Council
1980–1983 Member, Vestby executive committee
1976–1979 Member, Vestby municipal council
1975–1980 Member, Vestby County Conservatives
1971–1974 Member, Ås Conservative Student forum (Norwegian Agricultural University)
1965–1979 Member, Ås and Vestby Young Conservatives

Education and work experience

1976–2012 Farmer
1975–1976 Leaseholder, Farm
1971–1974 Norwegian Agricultural University (Agricultural economics)
1970–1974 Farm Manager
1970–1971 Tomb Agricultural School
1967–1970 Ski Upper Secondary School

Sist oppdatert: 19.10.2018 09:50