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Asphjell, Jorodd

Date of birth: 17 July 1960 in Orkdal, Sør-Trøndelag
Son of employment office manager Odd Asphjell (1925–2011) and cleaner Jorunn Martinsen (1926–2011)

Parliamentary terms

Member of Parliament no. 6 for Sør-Trøndelag, 2005–2009, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 5 for Sør-Trøndelag, 2009–2013, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 6 for Sør-Trøndelag, 2013–2017, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 7 for Sør-Trøndelag, 2017–2021, Labour Party
Member of Parliament no. 4 for Sør-Trøndelag, 2021–2025, Labour Party

Storting committees


Substitute member, Election Committee, 10 October 2005–30 September 2009
Member, Standing Committee on Health and Care Services, 19 October 2005–30 September 2009


Member, Standing Committee on Health and Care Services, 20 October 2009–22 March 2013
Member, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration, 22 March 2013–30 September 2013


Member, Election Committee, 8 October 2013–30 September 2017
Member, Standing Committee on Justice, 17 October 2013–30 September 2017


Substitute member, Election Committee, 7 October 2017–30 September 2021
Member, Standing Committee on Local Government and Public Administration, 12 October 2017–19 January 2018
Member, Standing Committee on Education and Research, 19 January 2018–30 September 2021


Substitute member, Election Committee, 9 October 2021–30 September 2025
Member, Standing Committee on Education and Research, 19 October 2021–30 September 2025

Parliamentary delegations


Substitute member, Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), 10 November 2005–30 September 2009
Delegate, UN General Assembly, 1 October 2007–30 September 2008


Substitute member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 22 October 2009–30 September 2012
Member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 25 October 2012–30 September 2013


Member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 24 October 2013–30 September 2017
Delegate, UN General Assembly, 1 October 2016–30 September 2017


Member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 17 October 2017–30 September 2021


Chair, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 28 October 2021–31 December 2023
Member, Delegation to the Nordic Council, 28 October 2021–28 October 2021

Education and professional experience


Grøtte School 1967–1976
Meldal Vocational School, mechanical subjects 1976–1977
Brundalen Upper Secondary School, graphics 1977–1980
Orkdal Upper Secondary School, university admissions certification 1993–1994

Trade certificates

Trade certificate, graphics 1980


Printer 1977–1994
Sole proprietor 1994–1997
County secretary, Labour Party 1997–2005

Medals and awards, etc.

Honorary member, Orkdal Sports Club 2003


Municipal political service

Member, Orkdal Municipal Council 1983–1987, Deputy Mayor 1999–2003

County political service

Member, Sør-Trøndelag County Executive Committee 1987–1991, 1991–1995, 1995–1999

Public appointments

Board member, BIRKA AS since 2012
Associate judge, Orkdal Municipal Court until 2005
Board chair, Fylkets Fellesvaskeri (county cleaning services), Sør-Trøndelag
Board chair, Orkdal Energi until 2006
Board chair, Aunøya foundation until 2009
Board chair, healthcare scheme for persons with mental disabilities (HVPU)
Vice board chair, MR Centre
Associate judge, Sør-Trøndelag District Court until 2005

Elected party positions

Chair, Orkdal Workers’ Youth League 1977–1983
Board member, Orkdal Labour Party 1977–2005
Technical specialist, Sør-Trøndelag Workers’ Youth League 1979–1981, treasurer 1981–1983, chair 1983–1985
Board member, Sør-Trøndelag Labour Party 1983–1985, since 2005
Member, Workers’ Youth League Central Executive Committee 1983–1985
Board chair, Orkla A team 2003–2007, member since 2007

Elected positions in organisations

Chair, Orkdal Graphical Union 1982–1993
Chair, Orkdal Sports Club, skiing 1989–1997
Chair, Orkdal Sports Club, football 1997–2004
Chair, Orkdal Sports Club, first team 2001–2004
Board member, Sør-Trøndelag Sports District 2003–2008
Vice chair, Sør-Trøndelag Ski District 2003–2007
Marketing director, Orkdal Football Club 2003–2009
Chair, Orkdal Sports Club, facilities 2006–2009
Board member, Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation of Sports 2007–2011, first vice president since 2011
Chair, Sør-Trøndelag Sports District since 2008
Chair, Orkdal Sports Club, development since 2009
Board member, Orkdal Sports Club, first team since 2009
Club chair, Fellesklubben (union)
Member, Norwegian Graphical Union Central Executive Committee

Other administrative appointments

Board chair, Sør-Trøndelag Taxi AS 2000–2007
Board chair, MultiGass Orkanger A/S 2000–2006
Board chair, Granåsen Arrangement A/S 2004–2008

Sist oppdatert: 23.09.2022 09:08