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The conference attendees. Photo: Storting.

The conference attendees. Photo: Storting.

Eirik Sivertsen re-elected chair of international Arctic conference

Member of the Storting Eirik Sivertsen (Labour) was re-elected Chair of the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region in Inari, Finland, on 19 September 2018. Larry Bagnell of Canada was elected Vice-Chair.

“The Arctic conference allows us to meet colleagues from the Nordic countries as well as Canada, the United States and Russia to discuss further cooperation in the north,” Mr Sivertsen said. “The opportunity for Norway to lead the conference for the next two years is important.”

The 13th Arctic parliamentary conference

The Norwegian delegation to the conference. From the left: Kent Gudmundsen (Conservative Party), Eirik Sivertsen (Labour Party), Svein Harberg (Conservative Party), Willfred Nordlund (Centre Party) and Bengt Rune Strifeldt (Progress Party). Photo: Storting.

The Norwegian delegation to the conference. From the left: Kent Gudmundsen (Conservative Party), Eirik Sivertsen (Labour Party), Svein Harberg (Conservative Party), Willfred Nordlund (Centre Party) and Bengt Rune Strifeldt (Progress Party). Photo: Storting.

The election took place at the closing of the 13th Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region in Inari, which took place from 16 to 19 September 2018.

Climate change, economic development and living conditions were the main topics at the conference in Finland, which was attended by indigenous representatives and observers from China, Singapore and the United Kingdom, among other countries.

“The Arctic region is being hit hard by global climate change and will be transformed. In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we must consider how best to adapt. In discussing potential solutions to this situation, it is crucial to include a wide range of parties, including indigenous peoples, business and industry, academia and the non-Arctic countries,” Mr Sivertsen emphasised.

Eirik Sivertsen in conversation with Senator Igor Chernyshenko, Russia. Photo: Storting.

Eirik Sivertsen in conversation with Senator Igor Chernyshenko, Russia. Photo: Storting.

25th anniversary

The parliamentary conference is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2018. The occasion was commemorated with a special session during the conference and the publication of an anniversary publication.

During the anniversary session, the importance of maintaining the vitality of Arctic cooperation was given particular emphasis. Cooperation between Russia and Western countries has suffered numerous setbacks, but there is considerable willingness to allow Arctic cooperation to continue without being unduly influenced by outside conflicts.

The plenary session voted unanimously to adopt a conference statement.

See also

The anniversary publication

The conference statement

About the Arctic Parliamentary Cooperation

Sist oppdatert: 25.09.2018 09:18