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Updated: 27.03.2025
The Storting's Administration.
Video archive
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Below you will find a list of video recordings of the sittings and a number of the public hearings in the Storting.
Women in the Storting
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In 2021, we celebrated the centenary since Karen Platou (Conservative Party) was the first woman to be elected to the Storting as a regular MP. Read articles about women in the Storting.
Portraits of pioneering women hung in the Eidsvoll Gallery
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Updated: 17.03.2025
Two of the Storting’s first women Members of Parliament (MPs), Anna Rogstad and Karen Platou, have been given their rightful place on one of the walls in the Eidsvoll Gallery.
The committee's responsibilities are matters relating to domestic transport; postal services; general matters relating to telecommunications and electronic communication; pleasure boats; and the responsibilities of the Norwegian National Coastal Administration. Committee Members List of…
The committee's responsibilities are matters relating to families, children and young people; gender equality; consumer affairs, including matters relating to debt settlement; church, religious and belief communities; culture and cultural heritage. Committee Members List of committee members…
Ukrainian parliamentarians visit the Storting
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Updated: 07.03.2025
“Nobody wants peace more than we do.” This was the Ukrainian MPs’ resounding message during a seminar in the Storting’s Lagting Chamber on Wednesday 5th March.
Guided tours of the Parliament building
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Updated: 12.02.2025
Join a digital guided tour!
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Updated: 12.02.2025
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The committee's responsibilities are matters relating to business, industry and trade; shipping; state ownership policy; state guarantees for exports, etc.; competition and price policy; agriculture; the Agricultural Agreement; food policy; fisheries; whaling; aquaculture; and salmon fishing.

Tore Onshuus Sandvik
Minister of Climate and Environment

Sigrun Aasland
Forsknings- og høyere utdanningsminister

Astri Aas-Hansen
Justis- og beredskapsminister
The committee's responsibilities are matters relating to local government; regional and rural policy; block grants to municipalities and counties; immigration policy; housing policy; building and construction; regional planning; national minorities; Sami issues except the regulations on election…
The Christian Democratic Party
Political Party
Norwegian: Kristelig folkeparti (KrF)
The committee's responsibilities are matters relating to foreign affairs; military defence; development cooperation; Norwegian interests on Svalbard or in other polar regions; and matters in general relating to agreements between Norway and other states or international organizations. Committee…
Guided tours
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Updated: 03.01.2025
Visit the Norwegian Parliament during summer!
The committee's responsibilities are matters relating to health services; care and attendance services; public health; drug and alcohol policy; and pharmaceuticals. Committee Members List of committee members Contact Mailing address Helse- og omsorgskomiteen Stortinget P.O. Box 1700 Sentrum 0026…
This year’s Nobel Peace Prize winners to visit the Storting on 11th December
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Updated: 10.12.2024
Representatives from the Japanese organization Nihon Hidankyō, which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2024, will be hosted by the President of the Storting, Masud Gharahkhani, on the morning of Wednesday 11th December.
The Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs is the only one of the Storting’s twelve permanent committees which may initiate its own matters for consideration. The committee’s remit: ensuring that the Government and the public administration implements the decisions made in the…
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