The Liberal Party

Norwegian: Venstre (V)

Venstres logo

The Liberal Party has 8 Members of Parliament and is part of the coalition government with The Conservative Party and The Christian Democratic Party.

Party leader: Ms Guri Melby
Parliamentary leader: Mr Terje Breivik


Mailing address:
Venstres stortingsgruppe
N-0026 Oslo

Telephone: +47 23 31 33 62

The Liberal Party's Web site

Parliamentary party group

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Medlemmer av partiets stortingsgruppe
No Name Membership role
94 Melby, Guri Parliamentary Leader
65 Rotevatn, Sveinung Deputy Parliamentary Leader
19 Raja, Abid Party Whip
108 Almeland, Grunde Substitute Party Whip
126 Bjørlo, Alfred Jens
102 Elvestuen, Ola
143 Skjelstad, André N.
10 Thorsvik, Ingvild Wetrhus