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The Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs

The Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs is the only one of the Storting’s twelve permanent committees which may initiate its own matters for consideration.

The committee’s remit:

  • ensuring that the Government and the public administration implements the decisions made in the Storting
  • reports, documents and other matters from the Office of the Auditor General, the Parliamentary Ombud, the EOS Committee – the Parliament Appointed Committee for Intelligence Oversight, the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution, and the Parliamentary Ombud’s Committee for the Armed Forces
  • proposed amendments to the Constitution
  • election legislation

The committee is also responsible for reviewing the records of proceedings of the Council of State and the Government’s annual report on how it has followed up decisions made in the Storting. In addition, the committee deals with matters where the Storting is to consider the extent to which constitutional responsibility shall be asserted, i.e. matters that may result in impeachment.

The committee’s own enquiries

The committee may conduct its own enquiries within the public administration to check whether government policy accords with the Storting’s decisions and intentions.

A minimum of one-third of the committee’s members must support the decision to initiate an enquiry. Since the committee consists of 10 members, this means that at least four members must vote in favour of such a proposal.

Committee Members

List of committee members


Mailing address

Kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen
P.O. Box 1700 Sentrum
0026 Oslo



+47 23 31 37 58

Committee Secretaries

Ms Hanne Koll Larssen

Mr Thomas Dam 

Committee Secretariat 

Ms Anita Sofie Midtsand

RoleNamePolitical Party
ChairFrølich, PeterConservative Party
First Vice ChairJacobsen, Frode (Meeting as Member of Parliament for Støre, Jonas Gahr) Labour Party
Second Vice ChairHarberg, SveinConservative Party
MemberAbusland, Anja Ninasdotter (On leave, Drivenes, Eivind is meeting as deputy)Centre Party
MemberAlmeland, GrundeLiberal Party
MemberAydar, SeherRed Party
MemberHagen, Carl I.Progress Party
MemberHenriksen, KariLabour Party
MemberLeirtrø, KirstiLabour Party
MemberLysbakken, AudunSocialist Left Party
MemberNordlund, WillfredCentre Party